
PCA ASTM Standard Updates

By August 1, 2024 No Comments

The ASTM E2018-24, Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments (PCAs) was updated on January 1, 2024.  This article outlines a few of the key changes. 

Users and Consultants

The guide now recommends the PCA User discusses with the PCA consultant the direction and objectives of the assessment in advance. This is recommendation is made so the user receives relevant and useful information pertaining to their property.  A PCA is an overall assessment of building systems, conditions, and costs. Depending on the future use of a property, the consultant can develop specific recommendations for repairs, replacements, housekeeping practices, or recommend a specialist.

Specialists in the E208-24 Guide

This update also discusses the role of specialists for analysis of “High-cost or critical buildings systems.” A consultant typically will capture information and provided recommendations to meet the E2018-24 standard. This update discusses how the consultant may recommend a specialist to conduct in-depth evaluations of the building systems in question which are outside of the PCA standard.  For example, did you know that the new Balcony Inspection Law (California Senate Bill 721) requires an inspection of “exterior elevated elements” (balconies, catwalks, landings, staircases) for all multi-family residential buildings in California which contain three or more dwelling units before January 1st, 2025? This is outside the PCA Standard and a consultant will likely recommend a specialist before the years end to complete this work.

For questions about balcony inspections and how McAlister Geoscience can help get your property inspected before January 1st, 2025 click HERE.

Many of the other changes consist of revised language to conform with other standards most notably:

The definition of “Immediate Repair,” which now refers to conditions which “represent and imminent life safety issues.” Which replaced “material existing or potentially unsafe conditions,” in the previous E2018-15 standard.

The addition of, “Long-term Cost” in the guide definitions.  A long-term cost is defined as “opinions of cost for anticipated replacement of building systems and building components over an evaluation period defined by user.”

For PCA questions, more information or to find out how these changes have may have an impact our your property Contact Us Today!

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